Shrinks the application. A small window will appear with the Extension Kit icon that can be placed in the background. Double-clicking the icon will restore full windows.
Shrinks the application. A small window will appear with the Extension Kit icon that can be placed in the background. Double-clicking the icon will restore full windows.
Defines preferences for Extension Kit, such as on/off, show startup dialog, and show startup icon.
Defines preferences for Extension Kit, such as on/off, show startup dialog, and show startup icon.
Specify kits which you wish to copy items from. You need to highlight a kit to copy to in the main kit window, or bring a kit editing window to the front.
Specify kits which you wish to copy items from. Items will be copied into the kit being edited, or the kit selected in the main kit window.
Toggles the selected startup extensions between their enabled or disabled state. This item is disabled because there are no selected items to enable.
Toggles the selected startup extensions between their enabled or disabled state.
Only enabled items will be loaded when the chosen kit is loaded.
Enables the selected startup extension in the item list. This item is disabled because there are no selected items to disable.
Enables the selected startup extension in the item list. Only enabled items will be loaded when the chosen kit is loaded.
Disables the selected startup extension in the item list. This item is disabled because there are no selected items to disable.
Disables the selected startup extension in the item list. Only enabled items will be loaded when the chosen kit is loaded.
Sets the selected kit as the default kit. This item is disabled because there is no selected kit to default.
Sets the selected kit as the default kit. The default kit will automatically be loaded at boot time if you do not manually choose a kit.
Edits the selected kit in the Extension Kit‚Ñ¢ window.
This item is disabled because there is no selected kit to edit.
Edits the selected kit in the Extension Kit‚Ñ¢ window.
You may also double-click the kit to display the edit window for that kit.
Options menu
This menu contains items to modify kits or their contents. This item is disabled because there are not any selections to modify.
Options menu
This menu contains items to modify kits or their contents.
Quits the application.
Quits the application.
Prints a kit configuration chart to the currently selected printer. This chart can be used as a quick reference showing configurations of each kit.
Prints a kit configuration chart to the currently selected printer. This chart can be used as a quick reference showing configurations of each kit.
Reverts the kits back to the state they were at before any changes were made. This item is disabled because no changes have been made since the last save.
Reverts the kits back to the state they were at before any changes were made.
Saves all changes to disk. This item is disabled because no changes have been made since the last save.
Saves all changes to disk. Use this only when you are sure you want to replace the current settings.
Closes the frontmost window. This item is disabled because you cannot close the Extension Kit‚Ñ¢ window.
Closes the frontmost window.
Select which available volume (which contains a system folder) that you wish to edit kits for.
Select which available volume (which contains a system folder) that you wish to edit kits for.
File menu
This menu contains items to close windows, save or revert information, print configuration chart or quit the application.
File menu
This menu contains items to close windows, save or revert information, print configuration chart or quit the application.
Clears text or graphics from the current selection. This item is disabled because there is nothing to clear.
Clears text or graphics from the current selection. You can also use this option to clear any selected items from the active kit in the Extension Kit‚Ñ¢ window.
Returns extensions to their original state. If you are removing Extension Kit‚Ñ¢, or moving extensions to another volume, use this option to put all extensions in their original loadable state.
Returns extensions to their original state. If you are removing Extension Kit‚Ñ¢, or moving extensions to another volume, use this option to put all extensions in their original loadable state.
Pastes text or graphics to the current selection. This item is disabled because there is nothing to paste.
Pastes text or graphics to the current selection.
Copies text or graphics from the current selection. This item is disabled because there is nothing to copy.
Copies text or graphics from the current selection.
Cuts text or graphics from the current selection. This item is disabled because there is nothing to cut.
Cuts text or graphics from the current selection.
Undoes the last operation. This item is disabled because there is nothing to undo.
Undoes the last operation.
Edit menu
This menu contains items for the standard Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste.
Edit menu
This menu contains items for the standard Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste.
Displays the version information for Extension Kit‚Ñ¢, plus the mailing address of Timing Z Softworks.
Displays the version information for Extension Kit‚Ñ¢, plus the mailing address of Timing Z Softworks.
Apple menu
This menu contains the About box for Extension Kit‚Ñ¢, plus any items you have added to your Apple Menu Items folder within the System Folder.
Apple menu
This menu contains the About box for Extension Kit‚Ñ¢, plus any items you have added to your Apple Menu Items folder within the System Folder.